Portfolio The Clarified Company

The Clarified Company

Founded by a seasoned tech entrepreneur, The Clarified Company offers strategic creative consulting services to organisations, brands, and businesses seeking to enhance their digital performance.

The company strives to bridge the gap between technology and people with a visionary approach.

Now, the company stands at a pivotal juncture, combining its expertise in technology and deep comprehension of human behaviour. The driving force behind their work is a passionate commitment to making the world a better place for today’s children. 

What they needed to help them stand out as The Clarified Company was a brand that would be as brilliant as the work they were doing. 

Bridging the gap between tech and creativity, Clarified had a number of different paths they could take when it came to their new brand, but the Alchemists simplified this in their discovery session.

We brought together a variety of different brands to give the client an idea of the styles we could see working with The Clarified Company.

We started crafting the bespoke brand icon that will be the basis of everything else to come; we also began to think about colour, but that is still an element that can change during the development stage.

Bringing everything together, we develop three to four different concepts. These could have different colour palettes and different fonts, or they could all be similar with subtle differences based on the client’s feedback. For Clarified, we concentrated on the tiny details of the typeface and brand icon.

Now, their brand guidelines showcase all of the final choices that had been influenced by the feedback.

Our Alchemists love going the extra mile and also created some mockups to show the variety of ways in which their new brand could be used. 


The Clarified Company went away and developed their new website at the same time they launched their new identity. As a result, brand awareness has skyrocketed and more people have contacted them to enquire about their services.

Building brand awareness can feel like an uphill battle, but when you work with Alchemy Studio’s brand guidelines, you’ll always have the exact elements you need to bring your brand to life. 


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